
とあるみにゃがわの徒然オタク日記。最近はParadox LiveにスケキヨDIVEしている哀れな引退騎空士。



Weed, growing and waste way ※1
Fly, my heart is dancing in the sky
Touch, overlapping the dream with you 
Call, still shining my heart
Look, white cloth to your eyes ※2 I hope you reach friendly
New, I’ll page your call again ※3
Yes, under the same sky.

Lights of love, give me shine 
make our days, feel so fine 

Gift, now fabulous seasons come 
Fresh I'm really feeling now 
Peace, what a beautiful word for us
Pure, blue sky is hearing me 
Sweet, so many flowers to remember the wonder fall days 
Kiss, I can feel your love so much 
Yes, this is where we live

Lights of love, give me shine 
make our days, feel so fine

Lights of love, give me shine 
make our days, feel we love

We just pray for loving your brand-new days
We pray better days than ever 
Be for your laughing, your lucky, your lovely days ※4
There's nothing lonely world 
Can we pray for a loving for brand-new days? 
So we'll live in the better world
Be for your laughing, your lucky, your lovely days

Sky, when we are looking for shooting star
We never surrender anything. 
Smile, somebody feels the same.
Yes, we'll be as one tonight. 



※1 ウィに聞こえるけど子音が聞こえる気がするので、Weedかなと。前後と文章的に考えたら「荒れた道に名もなき草が生えてるけど、僕の心は空に踊っている」と大地と空の対比かなと。

※2 見て、君の眼にXXXXXXXX。でホワイクロース…なので、whyではなく消去法でwhite cloth。わからん。

※3 Live版だとnewって言ってる気がする。

※4 before だと笑ったり運が良かったり素敵な日々の前にってなるので、前後の歌詞の意味がイマイチ通らないので、Be forかなと。

